Here you can view a list of placeholders that NextGens provides:
%nextgens_currentplaced% - Displays how many active generators that player has.
%nextgens_max% - Displays the generator placement limit.
%nextgens_total_generator% - Displays the total generator on the server.
%nextgens_corrupt_time% - Displays the time left before the corruption generator event happens.
%nextgens_event_name% - Displays the display name of the current event.
%nextgens_event_time% - Displays the time left of the recent event or when the event will happen.
%nextgens_multiplier% - Displays the player's personal multiplier amount
%nextgens_cashback% - Displays the player's cashback percentage amount
%nextgens_statistics_earnings% - Displays the total of the player's earnings from selling items through /sell command and sellwand.
%nextgens_statistics_earnings_formatted% - Displays the total of the player's earnings from selling items through /sell command and sellwand with the formatted number.
%nextgens_statistics_itemsold% - Displays the total of the player's items sold from selling items through /sell command and sellwand.
%nextgens_statistics_itemsold_formatted% - Displays the total of the player's items sold from selling items through /sell command and sellwand with the formatted number.
%nextgens_statistics_commandsell% - Displays how many times the player has used /sell command
%nextgens_statistics_commandsell_formatted% - Displays how many times the player has used /sell command with the formatted number.
%nextgens_statistics_sellwandsell% - Displays how many times the player has used sellwand
%nextgens_statistics_sellwandsell_formatted% - Displays how many times the player has used sellwand with the formatted number.
%nextgens_statistics_totalsell% - Displays how many times the player has used the command sell and sellwand sell.
%nextgens_statistics_totalsell_formatted% - Displays how many times the player has used the command sell and sellwand sell with the formatted number.
These placeholders can be used in any texts that support PlaceholderAPI.
Last updated