Here you can view a list of commands that NextGens provides <> = Required | [] = Optional
/genshop [player] - Open up the generator shop for yourself or others.
/sell [player] - Sell the player's inventory contents.
/pickupgens [player] - Force pickup all of generators belong to a specific player.
/settings - Open the player settings menu
/worth - See the worth of an item that the player's holding.
/gens give <player> <generator> <amount> - Give specific generators to a player.
/gens addmax <player> <amount> - Add "bonus" player's generator limit slots, please note that it will not modify any permission.
/gens removemax <player> <amount> - Remove "bonus" player's generator limit slots, please note that it will not modify any permission.
/gens resetmax <player> - Clear the "bonus" generator limit slots for specific player.
/gens repair <player|all> - Repair broken generator for specific players or globally.
/gens sellwand <player> <multiplier> <uses> - Give sellwands to specific user
/gens startevent <event> - Force start a specific event.
/gens stopevent - Force stop an event.
/gens reload - Reload the configuration.
/gens addmulti <player> <amount> - lets you add x amount of multiplier to a player
/gens removemulti <player> <amount> - lets you remove x amount of multiplier from a player
/gens setmulti <player> <amount> - lets you set a players multiplier
Last updated