Generators Configuration
# This must be unique
# The display name of the generator that will be used across messages
display-name: "#D8A073&lWheat Generator"
# How often should the generator drop? (in seconds)
interval: 20
# Is the generator corrupted?
# If the generator is corrupted, it will break occasionally and player need
# to fix them by shift + right-clicking the generator and pay set amount of money
# Set the corrupted algorithm on "config.yml"
enabled: true
cost: 12.5 # The cost to fix the corruption
chance: 0.25 # Chance that the generator will be broken
# The upgrade system for the generator
# The generator that will be used upon upgrading
# If you don't want the generator to be upgradeable, simply put "null"
next-generator: melon_generator
upgrade-cost: 50
# The generator item
material: HAY_BLOCK
display-name: "#D8A073&lWheat Generator"
# Enchantment Format:
# Example: DURABILITY;1
enchantments: [ ]
# Item Flag Example:
flags: [ ]
custom-model-data: 0
- "&8Purchasable Generator"
- "&7"
- "#D8A073&lINFO"
- "&8Time: &f20 seconds"
- "&8Generator Tier: &f1"
- "&8Corruption Chance: &f0.25%"
- "&aUpgrade Cost: &a&n$50"
- "&cReparation Cost: &c&n$12,5"
- "&7"
- "#D8A073&lPossible Drops"
- "&7Wheat &8(value: &a$8&8)"
- "&7Condensed Wheat &8(value: &a16&8)"
- "&7Money &8(value: &a$20&8)"
- "&7"
- "&7&oPlace down to activate the generator"
# List of drops that can be dropped from the generators
# Unique identifier, could be anything
chance: 60 # The chance that this drop will be chosen
sell-value: 8 # The sell value of the drop item (only for dropped items)
commands: [] # Commands that will be executed
material: WHEAT
display-name: "&e&lWheat &a(/sell for money)"
# Enchantment Format:
# Example: DURABILITY;1
enchantments: [ ]
# Item Flag Example:
flags: [ ]
custom-model-data: 0
- "&8Generator Drop Level 1"
- "&7"
- "&7Use &a/sell &7to sell this for &a&n$8"
- "&7"
chance: 20 # The chance that this drop will be chosen
sell-value: 16 # The sell value of the drop item (only for dropped items)
commands: [] # Commands that will be executed
material: head;eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjg2YmFkYjBkOTEzYjM5MWZiNDhkNzc3NmMzNzhjYTNmNGIyZGJlNzI0NTM0MDM0ZjM1MGNjZDM4ZjkwNDQ3MyJ9fX0=
display-name: "#D8A073&lCondensed Wheat &a(/sell for money)"
# Enchantment Format:
# Example: DURABILITY;1
enchantments: [ ]
# Item Flag Example:
flags: [ ]
custom-model-data: 0
- "&8Generator Drop Level 1"
- "&7"
- "&7Use &a/sell &7to sell this for &a&n$16"
- "&7"
chance: 20 # The chance that this drop will be chosen
- "eco give {player} 20"
Here is one of our example generators you can add or remove any of the drops to modify it or to turn off Corruption on the generator just put false instead of true like shown in the example below
enabled: False
cost: 12.5 # The cost to fix the corruption
chance: 0.25 # Chance that the generator will be broken
If you want to change the Interval of the generators drop speed simply change Interval near the top of the generator to whatever time you want it is displayed in seconds
# The display name of the generator that will be used across messages
display-name: "#D8A073&lWheat Generator"
# How often should the generator drop? (in seconds)
interval: 15
If you are in need of further support or need to report issues or maybe you have suggestions related to NextGens plugin, please join our Discord Server.
Last updated