The most important part about events is the configurability
enabled: true
# Should we choose random event instead of start it by order
random: false
# The wait time for each event (in seconds)
wait-time: 900
# The placeholders that will be used
no-event: '&7ɴᴇxᴛ ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛ'
no-event-timer: '&7ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛ ɪɴ: &f{timer}'
active-event: '{display_name}'
active-event-timer: '&7ᴛɪᴍᴇ ʟᴇғᴛ: &f{timer}'
# List of events
# Type: sell_multiplier, generator_upgrade, generator_speed, drop_multiplier, mixed_up
# Please follow the current format, each event type will have its own unique value
type: sell_multiplier
# The display name of the event
display-name: '&a&l2x Sell Multiplier'
# The multiplier of the sell
multiplier: 2.0
# The duration of the event (in seconds)
duration: 120
# The start message
- '&7'
- ' #f69220&lEvent Started'
- '&7'
- ' #f69220Type: &f{name}'
- ' #f69220Duration: &f{duration}'
- '&7'
- ' &7The value of every Generator drop'
- ' &7has been increased by 2x &7(( /sell ))'
- '&7'
# The end message
- '&7'
- ' #f69220&lEvent Ended'
- '&7'
- ' #f69220Type: &f{name}'
- ' #f69220Next Event In: &f{next_duration}'
- '&7'
- ' &7The value of all drops are back to normal.'
- '&7'
# Blacklisted generator that will not affected by this event
- disabled_generator_id
here is an example for how the Upgrade Event is configured you can configure how many tiers above the currently placed generator it will generate and also the duration in seconds the event will last.
type: generator_upgrade
# The display name of the event
display-name: '&b&l1x Generator Upgrade'
# How many tier should the generator be upgraded
tier-amount: 1
# The duration of the event (in seconds)
duration: 180
# The start message
- '&7'
- ' #f69220&lEvent Started'
- '&7'
- ' #f69220Type: &f{name}'
- ' #f69220Duration: &f{duration}'
- '&7'
- ' &7Now every generator will generate drop'
- ' &7one tier above the current tier.'
- '&7'
# The end message
- '&7'
- ' #f69220&lEvent Ended'
- '&7'
- ' #f69220Type: &f{name}'
- ' #f69220Next Event In: &f{next_duration}'
- '&7'
- ' &7Now every generator back to normal.'
- '&7'
# Blacklisted generator that will not affected by this event
- disabled_generator_id
here is an example for how the Speed Event is configured you can configure how much percentage the generator will be reducing the drop interval with and also the duration in seconds the event will last.
type: generator_speed
# The display name of the event
display-name: '#f69220&l2x Generator Speed'
# How much percentage should we reduce the drop interval
percentage: 50
# The duration of the event (in seconds)
duration: 180
# The start message
- '&7'
- ' #f69220&lEvent Started'
- '&7'
- ' #f69220Type: &f{name}'
- ' #f69220Duration: &f{duration}'
- '&7'
- ' &7Now every generator will generate drop 2x faster'
- '&7'
# The end message
- '&7'
- ' #f69220&lEvent Ended'
- '&7'
- ' #f69220Type: &f{name}'
- ' #f69220Next Event In: &f{next_duration}'
- '&7'
- ' &7Now every generator back to normal.'
- '&7'
# Blacklisted generator that will not affected by this event
- disabled_generator_id
here is an example for how the Drop Event is configured & works you can configure how many more dropped items the generators should generate and also the duration in seconds the event will last.
type: drop_multiplier
# The display name of the event
display-name: '&d&l2x Drop Multiplier'
# How many drop should we execute on every generator?
drop-amount: 2
# The duration of the event (in seconds)
duration: 180
# The start message
- '&7'
- ' #f69220&lEvent Started'
- '&7'
- ' #f69220Type: &f{name}'
- ' #f69220Duration: &f{duration}'
- '&7'
- ' &7Now every generator will generate drop 2x more!'
- '&7'
# The end message
- '&7'
- ' #f69220&lEvent Ended'
- '&7'
- ' #f69220Type: &f{name}'
- ' #f69220Next Event In: &f{next_duration}'
- '&7'
- ' &7Now every generator back to normal.'
- '&7'
# Blacklisted generator that will not affected by this event
- disabled_generator_id
Here is our custom Mixed up event it is fairly unique and mostly a random event so you cant only change the duration it lasts and not the items as it will pick a random item from each generator.
type: mixed_up
# The display name of the event
display-name: '#f69220&lMixed &e&lUp'
# The duration of the event (in seconds)
duration: 180
# The start message
- '&7'
- ' #f69220&lEvent Started'
- '&7'
- ' #f69220Type: &f{name}'
- ' #f69220Duration: &f{duration}'
- '&7'
- ' &7Now every generator will generate drop from random generator!'
- '&7'
# The end message
- '&7'
- ' #f69220&lEvent Ended'
- '&7'
- ' #f69220Type: &f{name}'
- ' #f69220Next Event In: &f{next_duration}'
- '&7'
- ' &7Now every generator back to normal.'
- '&7'
# Blacklisted generator that will not affected by this event
- disabled_generator_id
here is an example for how the Sell multiplier Event is configured & works you can configure the multiplier depending on how big you want it to be and also the duration in seconds the event will last.
type: sell_multiplier
# The display name of the event
display-name: '&a&l1.5x Sell Multiplier'
# The multiplier of the sell
multiplier: 1.5
# The duration of the event (in seconds)
duration: 180
# The start message
- '&7'
- ' #f69220&lEvent Started'
- '&7'
- ' #f69220Type: &f{name}'
- ' #f69220Duration: &f{duration}'
- '&7'
- ' &7The value of every items that are sellable now'
- ' &7has been increased by 1.5x &7(( /sell ))'
- '&7'
# The end message
- '&7'
- ' #f69220&lEvent Ended'
- '&7'
- ' #f69220Type: &f{name}'
- ' #f69220Next Event In: &f{next_duration}'
- '&7'
- ' &7Now the value of sellable items go back to normal.'
- '&7'
# Blacklisted generator that will not affected by this event
- disabled_generator_id
if you want more events then the plugin defaulted provides you can just add however many events you want and modify each type of event as much as you want.
If you are in need of further support or need to report issues or maybe you have suggestions related to NextGens plugin, please join our Discord Server.