Here you will be able to see and get more insight of how to configure the many options NexGens provide in its config.yml
NextGens provides 2 different ways to store data we offer mysql & sqlite
# If disabled, we will use SQLite
enabled: false
host: localhost
port: 3306
database: db_nextgens
user: root
password: ''
useSSL: false
here is our main config for Corruption event where you can turn it off entirely or also modify it you can turn off the Need of a Gui to repair it and instead just use Shift + Right click which can be changed in
# List of interaction needed to do certain things such as
# picking up, upgrading, fix generator
gens-pickup: LEFT
gens-upgrade: SHIFT_RIGHT
gens-fix: SHIFT_RIGHT
enabled: true
# How often should corruption happen (in minutes)
interval: 30
# How many generators can possibly corrupt
# Default: 10 (If there are 100 generators, 10 of them will be randomly chosen and tested for corruption)
percentage: 40
# Should we use gui to fix the corrupted generator?
gui-fix: true
# Broadcast when the corruption wave happen, leave empty to disable it
- '&7'
- ' &c&lPower Outages'
- ' &fDue to recent power outages, &c&n{amount}&f generators'
- ' &fhave been broken, please fix them immediately!'
- ' &7&o(( You will be notified if you got affected ))'
- '&7'
interval: 5
- '&7'
- ' &e&lGenerator Notification'
- ' &fThere are &e&n{amount}&f of your generator that''s broken'
- ' &ffind them and fix them by shift + right-clicking it.'
- '&7'
you can also modify the plugins commands from the config.yml as shown here
do you want generators to not get stuck on islands after players leave or disband the island we now have a fix for this by turning this config options on
# Should we give back generators to the owner if the owner
# disbanded, kicked, leave their island?
# If this option is disabled, the generator will disappear instead.
# Supported Plugins: SuperiorSkyblock2, BentoBox
island-pickup: true
you can also configurate if you want players to receive certain items or commands upon first joining the server here
enabled: true
# The generator id that will be given
generator: wheat_generator
# The amount of generators that will be given
amount: 8
# List of commands that will be executed
- gens sellwand {player} 1 50
- gens sellwand {player} 2 5
we also have many more unique and configurable options you can use here are a few
enabled: true
amount: 150
# Should we use and override /sell command?
sell-command: true
# Should we use permission to place specific generator?
# The permission will be 'nextgens.generator.<id>'
place-permission: false
# Should generator can only work if the owner is online?
online-only: true
# Should we prevent generator from breaking because of explosion?
anti-explosion: true
# Should we prevent placing item dropped by generator?
disable-drop-place: true
# Should we open up the upgrade gui if player tries to upgrade their gen?
# Take a look at "gui/upgrade_gui.yml" to configure the upgrade gui
upgrade-gui: false
# Should we close shop gui after purchasing gen?
close-on-purchase: false
# Should we close shop gui if player doesn't have money to buy the gen?
close-on-no-money: false
# Should we drop the generator item on the ground upon breaking?
drop-on-break: false
# Should /pickupgens pickup broken generator?
broken-pickup: true
# Should a broken generator can only be repaired by the owner of the generator?
repair-owner-only: true
If you are in need of further support or need to report issues or maybe you have suggestions related to NextGens plugin, please join our Discord Server.